You’re all about taking your health into your own hands, using diet and healthy remedies to keep diseases and health problems at bay. But what about your dog? Why shouldn’t they enjoy a healthy, vet-free life? Luckily, for many of your beloved pooch’s ailments and health problems, theres an essential oil solution waiting just around the corner.
Are essential oils safe for dogs?
The simple answer is: yes. But only when you’ve done your research, and you know which oils are ok to use (see below), how to use those oils, and in what quantities. Where many people trip up is recognizing just how potent essential oils really are. It’s important to remember that just one drop of essential oil is many thousands of times stronger than a leaf or stem from the original plant it was made from. Practice caution when using essential oils for dogs, just as you would do with yourself and your family.
Why you should use doTERRA essential oils on your dog
Nobody’s forcing you to use essential oils on your furry friend, but there’s a whole lot of reasons why you should give it a try! Essential oils are literally tiny bottles of home remedies just waiting to be unleashed (pun unintended). They contain a wide range of healing properties, and because they’re so powerful they can really work wonders on your dog. We’ve used and promoted doTERRA essential oils for the past 5 years, and are happy to give them our seal of approval – they’re high quality and have never let us (or our dog!) down. More importantly, they’re therapeutic grade, which means they’re safe to use on (and sometimes in) the body – unlike many of the cheaper oils, which are only safe to use via aromatherapy (diffuser).
Here’s a few reasons why you should use doTERRA essential oils for dogs:
Just one essential oil can provide many different natural remedies. Lavender essential oil, for example, can reduce inflammation, speed healing, prevent infection, and relax a stressed pawed companion. All in one tiny bottle. Imagine what you could do with 6, or even 10 different essential oils!
Essential oils are non-toxic…when used in the right amounts, that is. We’re trying to avoid having your dog go to the vet and being prescribed liver-destroying anti-inflammatory drugs or gut-ruining antibiotics, so essential oils provide a great non-toxic alternative to conventional treatments.
Essential oils are simple to use. If you’re familiar with using essential oils on yourself and your family, it’s an absolute breeze to use them on your dog as well. And if you haven’t used them before – no worries! Just read on for some easy actionable tips.
Using doTERRA essential oils to help and heal your dog
Because there’s just so darn many essential oils out there (we have at least 100 different kinds languishing around our home!), this post would be a very long one indeed if I was to go through EVERY SINGLE ONE. Luckily, certain oils are jack of all trades, and can be used to solve any number of complaints from your pooch. Here’s some of the most popular essential oils for dogs, that can be used to make effective home remedies for your beloved pooch.
Lavender essential oil for dogs
Just quietly, lavender is my fave. Lavender essential oil is easily the most versatile oil we have at our disposal, helping to calm frayed nerves, help us sleep, soothe inflamed cuts and wounds, reduce inflammation at sites of injury or arthritis, and fight off infection. How many dog meds do you know that can do all those things, and without any side effects as well? Lavender essential oil is:
anti-itch (especially with bug and tick bites, and also with healing wounds)
antihistamine (reduces symptoms of allergies)
Based on the above abilities of lavender essential oil, it’s fair to say that this is one of the most important essential oil for dogs! Lavender essential oil even has strong anti-mutagenic qualities, making it a proven method of fighting canine cancer.
Because lavender is one of the gentler essential oils, you dog likely won’t be bothered when you apply it to their wounds/bites/aches/pains. To promote milder healing and relaxation, you can also use lavender in a diffuser.
Helichrysum essential oil for dogs
We’ve used helichrysum essential oil on our pup’s injuries countless times, and it seems to work wonders. I myself have used it on a sore lower back and lower leg injury, so I know that it works. Be warned, though – helichrysum is expensive (just another reason to buy it wholesale!), but that being said a little goes a very long way. You usually only need to use around one drop, mixed in with a carrier oil, to provide pain relief and healing for your pooch. Helichrysum is:
If you can get over the price, helichrysum is a must have for all your dog’s aches and pains, and is particularly effective for more troubling injuries. doTERRA’s helichrysum essential oil speeds healing of scars and bruises, soothes irritating skin conditions, and alleviates pain.
Roman chamomile essential oil
Roman chamomile is one of the most widely used essential oils for dogs, and for good reason. It’s second only to lavender in terms of it’s versatility, and its essential oil can be used for a range of problems associated with your dog, including:
pain relief (analgesic)
relaxation (calms a stressed or restless dog)
treatment of cramps and other central nervous system issues (anti-spasmodic)
Roman chamomile essential oil is also a strong anti-oxidant, meaning it could be a good defense for your dog against cancer and other mutagenic diseases.
Thyme essential oil for dogs
Thyme is another must-have for your dog’s medicine cabinet. It is a strong anti-inflammatory, making it a great choice for achy joints and muscles, and arthritic pooches. Thyme essential oil is also great for fighting off infection, and for treating internal parasites. Thyme essential oil is:
Because thyme essential oil is quite a strong brew, consider using it in conjunction with a carrier oil like coconut oil to ensure your furry friend doesn’t get any irritation.
Cedarwood essential oil for dogs
I’ve included cedarwood essential oil not only for its antiseptic and circulation-stimulating properties, but also due to its ability to repel fleas. Some of the conventional anti-flea products are downright harmful to your dog’s health, so it’s worth considering cedarwood as a natural alternative. Cedarwood essential oil is:
You can make a cedarwood anti-flea spray by mixing up a small solution of water and several drops of cedarwood essential oil (add more cedarwood for a stronger brew) and using a brush to expose your dog’s skin. Then spray the solution directly onto the skin, avoiding the eyes and ears. For the head area, simply put some of the cedarwood solution on your hands and rub it into all the furry bits – but still make sure not to get too close to the eyes or ears!
How to use doTERRA essential oils on your dog
The best practice is always to apply the essential oils directly to external areas of your dog. One to two drops is usually more than enough for a specific ailment, and I almost always dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil to ensure it doesn’t irritate my wee furry friend. If you’re planning on using essential oils internally, I need to stress that you really need to do your research, and always make sure you use therapeutic grade (like doTERRA’s range) essential oils.
That’s it for now! Have you used essential oils on your dog before? How did it turn out?
Mention the word “dairy” to your average paleo enthusiast, and they’ll shake their heads and mutter to themselves about potential toxicity issues, food allergies, and the untrustworthiness of these types of products. And they’d be right – this subject area is a very difficult one to navigate, as dairy products are typically shrouded in mystery and have the potential to throw your clean dieting right off the rails.
In Part 3 of our food shopping series (check out our guide to fruit and vegetables here, and our guide to shopping for meat, poultry and fish here), we’ll explore how to tell if milk and other dairy-based foods are good for you, how to find high quality ingredients in your supermarket or at the farm gate, and hidden dangers you need to look out for.
Read on, to continue your training towards becoming a supermarket superstar!
Is dairy and milk paleo?
From a strict Paleo standpoint, dairy was not consumed in the Paleolithic Era (aside from human milk, that is!), and for this reason many of those who follow a regimented Paleo diet stay away from it.
But just because something wasn’t available to our ancestors doesn’t make it inherently bad. Good quality dairy is an amazing source of nutrition, designed by the animal that produced it to be loaded with saturated fats, beneficial bacteria, essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. As it is the first thing a newborn calf, kid (in the goat sense) or lamb drinks, it provides a vital burst of nourishment that this animal needs to survive the first phase of it’s life.
Now, while this milk was not designed for human mouths, there’s no reason why we might not gain benefit or nourishment from it. In my opinion, it’s the same as eating good quality eggs – they clearly weren’t designed for human consumption, but they’ve attained an almost godlike status amongst the Paleo community, and are celebrated for the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats they can provide us. Milk is the same – we can benefit from the same compounds that the calf, kid or lamb would thrive on.
Where dairy gets a bad rap is with regards to lactose, casein and the potential for introducing synthetic toxins into our bodies. It’s important to note, however, that this is usually only a problem when buying regular, grain-fed, store-based milk or dairy products. These products are made from cows (and to a lesser degree, sheep and goats) which have been raised on a diet consisting almost solely of GMO corn and soy, while being confined to tiny pens inside horrific dairy factories, away from the sun. These animals are also regularly injected with hormones, to make them grow faster and produce more milk, and antibiotics, to prevent them from developing diseases due to their unhealthy living conditions.
All this nasty stuff gets into the milk, while all the good stuff (the beneficial bacteria, digestive enzymes, saturated fats) gets removed during the processes of skimming, pasteurization and homogenization. The result is a dairy product devoid of nutrients and healthy fats, which is now missing the very bacterial cultures and enzymes which make it easier for our stomachs to digest in the first place (and which would otherwise prevent us from developing lactose or casein intolerance).
Why raw milk is NOT dangerous
Unfortunately, the agricultural industry has made it ridiculously difficult to get your hands on good quality dairy. Most of the US states continue to impose a complete ban on the sale and distribution of raw milk, citing antiquated cases of people becoming sick or even dying from consumption of raw milk that was somehow contaminated. These fears are based on a system of pasteurization which was introduced back before the invention of refrigerated transport and storage, when milk or dairy products could become eventually become contaminated by harmful pathogens after sitting in a warm place for too long.
Well, as it happens, we have fast, refrigerated transport now, and cold storage, and fridges at home – so those claims about the necessity of pasteurization are completely redundant! What’s more, those stories of people getting sick from raw milk were almost always due to that milk coming from cows which were raised in undesirable conditions – like the small pens, with antibiotic-injected, hormone-enriched, grain-fed cows I talked about earlier. If the cows themselves are raised in pasture and allowed to roam free under the sun, these health concerns are even more redundant.
In actual fact, you’re far more likely to get sick from drinking regular pasteurized milk than you are from raw milk! One expert even goes so far as to state that “you are about thirty-five thousand times more likely to get sick from other foods than you are from raw milk”. So quit worrying! If, however, you still find yourself shaking in your boots at the very notion of drinking something which hasn’t been heated to smithereens, check out this article we wrote a while back.
How to buy good quality, healthy dairy products
Rather than going into too much more of a rant about the dairy industry and how it’s turning people against one of the most nutritious (not to mention delicious!) food sources available, lets get down to business. You came here to learn how to ferret through all those nasty dairy products and locate the actual good, healthy ones, and the below table should help you do just that. The table is laid out to present the most desirable sources of dairy first, then works down the list to products which you should probably just stay away from altogether. Remember – if you can’t find good quality dairy, it’s generally better to just cut your losses and eat or drink something else.
It turns out that making a table to show how best to prioritize your milk is a difficult task. Hopefully the above gets the point across: the highest quality milk and dairy is from humanely-treated, grass-fed cows (and sheep and goats) that have been raised on an organic farm (which implies that they’re free from hormones, antibiotics and probably GMOs). The best milk is also raw and full-fat! As you work down the table, the dairy becomes progressively less good for you when it is no longer organic or full-fat. To provide a rough indication, I’d recommend regular (daily to 2 or 3 times a week) consumption of dairy products which are found in the green category, occasionally (no more than once a month) for those products in the orange section, and never buying those products in the red. ESPECIALLY dairy which is raw but comes from non-organic, grass-fed cows…although you’re fairly unlikely to ever come across that!
Finding good quality dairy is difficult, but not impossible
During our time living in Canada, Liivi and I became obsessed with the idea of getting our hands on a regular supply of grass-fed, raw dairy. It was very, very difficult, on account of strict Canadian laws which prohibit the sale of raw dairy products, and because 99.9% of the dairy farms there are grain-feeding. After much searching, we eventually came across this website, which got us in touch with a cooperative that provided real, organic, humane, grass-fed, RAW milk and dairy products. They products were expensive, but boy, were they good!
In the US, state governments are slowly starting to loosen up the laws, following increasing pressure from the public. Check out this interactive map to see whether your state allows the sale of raw milk in-store, or at least at the farm gate.
If you live in an area that is prohibitive to raw milk, however, don’t dismay – you can generally still get your hands on some high-quality, grass-fed dairy products, even if they’re not raw. As we travelled through the States and Canada, we would keep our eyes peeled for either the Kerrygold brand or the Anchor brand. Kerrygold comes from Ireland while Anchor comes from New Zealand, and both are produced from grass-fed cows, with no hormones and no antibiotics (I would know: I used to work for Anchor as an environmental officer!). You’ll often find Kerrygold butter or Anchor butter in your supermarket, and sometimes also Kerrygold cheese. Elsewhere in the world, you’re more than likely to stumble across a range of Anchor products, including Anchor butter and Mainland cheese. Failing that, order them on Amazon:
Another great way to get many of the benefits of grass-fed, organic cows, is from this whey protein powder which I came across after days of painstaking research. Find out more about it, here!
2. Go-to natural remedies for common children’s illnesses (How to detox your medicine cabinet and replace OTC meds with corresponding effective natural remedies)
3. How to ensure safety when using natural remedies and essential oils for children
Many of these dangers, remedies and safety measures will be very much relevant for adults too. I will link to each article as I complete them over the next couple of days.
In part one of this series we talked about the majorly risky practice of giving babies and children over-the-counter or prescription medications. Despite the best intentions of parents and medical practitioners, medicating young ones is often a shot in the dark with unknown repercussions. Children are being given drugs more and more, despite the fact that they are rarely tested on children. Check out that article here.
In part 2 we’re going to get super optimistic and reformative, looking at how to detox your medicine cabinet! I’ve put together a pretty extensive list of go-to natural remedies for common children’s illnesses. Please feel free to contribute more remedies that you’ve found helpful or effective in the comments at the end of the article.
I’ll be matching up the typical conventional medications with natural alternatives.
A quick disclaimer before we get right into it:
This should pretty much go without saying, but please always do your own research and only use remedies you feel comfortable with. Consult a practitioner if ever in doubt. The information here is for education only, and you should never delay seeking in-person care from a professional if your child is seriously ill.
improve nutrition with less sugar/more fat & protein – corrects insulin balance
correct neurotransmitter imbalances by supplementing with magnesium/B-vitamins/whey protein
reduce use of electronics especially at night (yellow/orange glasses are recommended)
introduce a little movement in the morning to boost serotonin
Vetiver essential oil, Cedarwood essential oil, InTune essential oil blend ** ensure any oils you use on your family are pure therapeutic grade, not just made for good smell. ** Here’s where I shop. (a 2001 study using brain scans to evaluate essential oil effectiveness for common behavioral challenges in children showed improvements in 100% of subjects with Vetiver and 83% effectiveness with Cedarwood)
local raw (un-pasteurized) honey – contains enzymes that are like a natural allergy shot with no downside. Local honey to where you live is said to help your body adapt to local allergens in your environment. Buy from a local shop or market, dose kids with 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon (adults a full tsp) one or more times a day
nettle tea or capsules – nettle is a natural antihistamine. When the leaves are dried they don’t sting anymore!
other probiotics such as raw capsules, unpasteurized kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut. Safe and beneficial in small amounts for babies and kids.
peppermint, lavender, lemon essential oils, doTERRA TriEase softgels (get pure, safe essential oils HERE). These oils bring down inflammation and calm an overactive immune response to allergens. For young children dilute the 3 oils in coconut oil and rub on the feet and along the spine.
heal leaky gut syndrome to prevent undigested peptides from damaging the brain (here is an article for reference, and this gut healing program is, in my opinion, the best out there)
asthma is considered an inflammatory condition, so soothe inflammation in the body by eating a whole real food diet (click the link for meal plans!) focusing on organic vegetables and animal protein, healthy traditional fats, fermented & cultured foods
For prevention or during an attack, instead of an inhaler (if it’s safe) try doTERRA Breathe respiratory blend essential oil – a blend of laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemon, and ravensara. Helps to soothe inflamed tissues, support the elimination of bacteria and viruses, and opens airways. I’ve read many articles and testimonials saying people no longer need asthma medication after starting to keep the Breathe blend on hand. Only $26.67 retail, or get a 25% wholesale discount. Get some HERE.
avoid sugar, caffeine, chocolate, not only for their direct effect but also because they promote Candida Albicans yeast overgrowth in the gut, which can cause anxiety
magnesium drink/rub/bath, and other mineral-rich foods such as homemade organic chicken broth, green smoothies (blend up cucumber, romaine lettuce, spinach, lemon, banana, berries), organ meats (try organic chicken livers made into gluten-free “nuggets”)
herbal teas such as chamomile, fennel, catnip (brew tea, steep with a cover on for 10 minutes, then let cool before putting in a safe bottle or cup for the child to drink from)
amber necklace – raw natural amber contains succinic acid, a natural analgesic and healing agent. Amber warms when worm against the body and the succinic acid is absorbed through the skin helping relieve anxiety, pain and other symptoms. I personally wear one 24-7!
Natural remedies for bacterial infections (alternatives to antibiotics)
Conventional treatment: Doctors frequently prescribe antibiotics just in case even if they don’t know that an illness is caused by bacteria, or which bacteria is causing it (source). This is leading to major damage to gut bacteria which regulates our digestion, immunity and much of our mood and mental wellbeing. It also leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is a major threat to global health today. (source) I would highly recommend reading these articles for insight as to why your child probably doesn’t need antibiotics: Article 1, Article 2. As someone who has been a “victim” to likely unnecessary antibiotics MANY times in my life, and have struggled to re-balance my body in my adulthood, I would encourage you to seek alternatives and consult with a practitioner who treats antibiotics in a cautious and holistic manner.
oregano oil – please ensure you use a high quality pure oil from a brand that stands behind medicinal / internal use of their oils. This is the only place I buy therapeutic essential oils. Apply 1-2 drops diluted with coconut oil topically, in a bath, in a steaming bowl via inhalation, or by consuming in a vegetable capsule. You can also use a small amount in a neti pot with water.
garlic is a strong natural antibiotic which does not destroy beneficial gut bacteria. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (of the GAPS protocol) recommends consuming an entire head of garlic daily as an effective internal antibiotic. I would recommend doing this by eating finely chopped raw garlic in something tasty like pesto, hummus, real-food ranch dressing with veggies (recipe ideas HERE). Freshly chopped garlic is best, let it sit for 10 minutes before using/consuming as the allicin content will increase.
turmeric extract in doses of 400-600 mg 3 times daily, or as directed on the package (source)
support the immune system with rest, fluids (with pink salt and raw honey for electrolytes), fresh lemon, fresh herbs such as parsley and rosemary, and homemade organic broth
melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil – add 3 to 6 drops to a teaspoon of coconut oil, keep this in a small container for first aid use. This is where I get quality essential oils free of additives, synethetics, or pesticides.
make a compress with a mix of cool water and a little white vinegar to lift the heat
lavender essential oil takes the sting out of a burn and has been shown to help skin heal much faster without scarring or scabbing. Use generously straight onto a burn without using a carrier oil, as carrier oils can hold the heat inside of the burn. You must purchase a pure high quality lavender essential oil to get good results. Many cheaper lavender oils contain fillers that smell like lavender but don’t have the medicinal effect. Here is where I buy top-shelf essential oils.
use raw honey as an antiseptic cream to speed healing
homemade organic crock pot chicken broth with finely chopped garlic, onion, celery (instructions in this post)
warm lemon water – make it with fresh squeezed lemon, and let it cool a bit before adding some raw honey to leave the enzymes intact
cinnamon – mix 1 tablespoon with 1 teaspoon of raw honey and stir into hot water to make a spicy and very effective tea that helps relieve cough and congestion and lower fever. Another option is to use capsules.
facial steam – a bowl of hot water with 3 drops each of oregano, thyme and rosemary essential oils (here is where to get essential oils good enough to use medicinally: link) Place the steaming bowl under the face and drape a towel over the head to make a “tent”. Inhale for several minutes, but be sure to supervise a child to make sure they don’t get too hot.
1 drop of oregano oil diluted with a little coconut oil and rubbed under the feet a few times a day
Conventional treatment: Dicyclomine hydrochloride, simethicone, Anaspaz, Bentyl, Donnatol, Buscopan, Zantac, leaving your infant with other caregivers for respite. Not many treatments recommended other than suffering through it as it usually rectifies after a few months.
removing allergens from the mother’s diet (if breast-feeding) – these could include things like wheat and grains, pasteurized dairy, corn, soy, eggs
removing excessive stimulation and stressors from the environment, since this could stress the baby and hinder a healthy digestive process (ie noises, lights, screens, etc)
massage and movement to help release gas
cooled ginger or peppermint tea in a bottle – these assist digestion
belly and back massage with a digestive blend essential oil (DigestZen is the one I use and love) – dilute 5 drops of oil in 1 tsp of coconut oil, warm the oil until the coconut oil is melted (24 degrees C) and place a couple of drops in the belly button, then work outward in gentle circular motions
apply a warm compress like a cloth from the dryer over the essential-oil covered belly to help the oils penetrate and to help the belly feel comfy
Conventional treatment: medicated shampoo, ketoconazole, anti-dandruff shampoo containing tar, selenium sulfide, hydrocortisone cream, petroleum-based mineral oil or jelly
According to this article, cradle cap is associated with overgrowth of yeast, so probiotics for both mum and baby will be helpful. For mum I use and recommend the doTERRA brand PB-Assist product since it’s double coated to make it past the stomach, and also contains prebiotics with the probiotics feed on; this encourages them to colonize the gut rather then just pass through. If you would like to buy doTERRA products, here is my page with simple instructions.
dietary adjustments in the mother – increase good fats and omega 3’s (avocados, fish, walnuts etc), increase alkalizing foods (vegetables, greens, lemon etc)
coconut oil with essential oils applied to the scalp – coconut oil is naturally anti-fungal so will help bring balance to the skin. Add a maximum of 5 drops of lavender or melaleuca essential oil to 1 tsp of coconut oil.
add 1/4 tsp slippery elm to a bottle, this encourages a healthy gut lining to prevent further yeast overgrowth
Conventional treatment: inhaled medications such as racemic epinephrine, oral corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone)
Use a cool mist machine or steam up the bathroom and crack a window to create cool, damp mist. Going outside at night also often helps if the air is damp. 10-15 minutes minimum. You can also fill a bowl with ice and make a tent with a towel, and inhale the cool, wet air.
Therapeutic essential oils – With 6 – 12 drops of coconut oil apply 2 drops each Respiratory Blend, Frankincense and Peppermint to the child’s chest area (dilute more for infants). The blend of oils may also be applied to the bottoms of the feet and back as well. Repeat every 1 to 3 hours until the coughing stops. Protect small children from transferring the oils from their chest, etc. to their eyes. Get essential oils good enough to be used medicinally HERE.
castor oil chest compress – apply castor oil to a cloth, place on the chest, and put a hot water bottle on top to help the castor oil penetrate. Castor oil is an expectorant which means it helps loosen phlegm, so the child will cough it up and get rid of, being able to sleep peacefully again. Check out this awesome testimonial. Get castor oil HERE.
plantain herb – a common backyard “weed” with many medicinal properties – read more here. Make a poultice of fresh or dried plantain leaf and bentonite clay with water to form a paste. Or you can buy a ready-made plantain salve. Also a good remedy for bites and stings, rashes, poison ivy.
witch hazel – apply a small amount of soothing witch hazel distillate directly to a wound. More info here or get some witch hazel for your non-toxic medicine cabinet HERE.
coconut oil is naturally antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and very soothing & protective to the skin. Apply this completely non-toxic remedy with confidence. Get some good coconut oil HERE.
homemade neosporin – check out this recipe from Wellness Mama
Diaper rash may be “common” but that does not make it “normal”. It’s caused simply by prolonged skin contact with urine and feces, with too much dampness and not enough ventilation. The skin gets very sore and can become infected. The simplest remedy is to allow baby to be diaperless for at least 20 minutes 3 times a day between diaper changes to allow the skin to breathe
Use non-plastic diapers that breathe better, such as these (imagine your butt wrapped in plastic all day, you wouldn’t be very happy either! Plus there is evidence plastic diapers can cause hormonal & fertility problems. If you need disposal diapers, Nature Baby Care is the best option)
Use less toxic wipes and ointments, or just use a warm cloth followed by some coconut oil each time. You can keep all the baby-bum-cloths in a separate odorless storage bucket with a few drops of tea tree oil in it, then wash them in their own hot water load (with unscented laundry soap)
Make natural ointment with coconut oil, lavender and melaleuca essential oils. Frankincense and Grounding Blend (Balance) also work well on some babies if they don’t tolerate lavender or melaleuca. (more info here) You only want to use the most safe, pure, effective essential oils on your baby’s sensitive young skin, so I strongly recommend investing in good essential oils. See mine HERE.
Conventional treatment: Though the majority of ear infections are viral, most doctors treat ear infections as if bacteria were present just in case, and will prescribe antibiotics (amoxicillin, cephalosporins, clavulanate, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, azithromycin). Other common treatments include Tylenol and other OTC medications, puncturing the eardrum to drain fluid from the middle ear, tube insertion surgery, adenoidectomy
Fill a cotton or wool sock with oatmeal, rice or sea salt/pink salt (antimicrobial properties) and bake until it’s very warm but not burning. Use as a heat pack under the affected ear.
Cut an onion in half and bake until you can just start to smell it. Let it cool until it’s a tolerable temperature to touch, then apply to the ears (lying down) and hold it on gently by tying with a natural fabric like wool or cotton (ie a scarf or old t-shirt). The antiviral properties of the warm onion enter the ears. Leaving a chopped onion in the child’s bedroom overnight is also a great cold remedy.
Drop 1-2 drops of slightly warmed garlic and mullein oil into each ear (one at a time, let it rest a few minutes then let that ear drain onto a cloth while you do the other ear, then drain again)
Dip a cotton ball in some of the ill person’s urine, add a couple drops of rosemary or basil essential oil, and put the cotton ball gently resting in the ear. You may use a bandaid or masking tape to hold it in the ear overnight. (Think this sounds WHACK? Read more about the awesome medicinal properties of urine HERE)
the skin is the mirror of the gut, therefore healing the digestive system will heal the skin. Increase bone broth and organic veggies, decrease and eliminate processed/coloured/flavoured foods, wheat/grains, commercial pasteurized dairy, soy, non-organic corn.
use coconut oil as a soothing moisturizer, and add 10-20 drops of essential oils such as lavender, melaleuca, geranium or a topical blend. HERE is where I get essential oils good enough to use medicinally.
Conventional treatment: Tylenol, Advil, Motrin. Tylenol can cause altererd liver function in children and can even spur Febrile seizures. (source)
a fever in itself is not a bad sign – it shows that the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses, and the increase in temperature is one of the body’s main weapons. It heats up to make the body less hospitable to these invaders. It’s more important to keep the child hydrated and comfortable, using natural approaches to support the immune system, and not worrying about the number of the fever too much. As long as the child is still drinking, urinating and responding well, the fever can be monitored at home (read more HERE and HERE)
Don’t wake a child to give medication, sleep is more important.
Keep the kid hydrated and comfortable using remedies such as natural popsicles (recipe), homemade chicken broth (instructions), room-temperature water with lemon/pink salt/raw honey for healthy electrolytes
Apply cloths soaked in apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or egg whites to the feet (and put socks on top). People still swear by these age-old remedies; if they bother to still do them then they must work!
supplements such as calcium lactate (gives the body raw materials to make white blood cells, which it normally has to withdraw from bones, so by supplementing you get less of that achey feeling), a cup of raw apple cider vinegar added to a warm bath
Consider taking further action / visiting the hospital if an infant under 8 weeks old has a fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or if any fever has no known source or symptoms, or lasts longer than 5 days (source)
See remedies listed above for colds and fevers – in general, keep the ill person hydrated and comfortable, support the immune system, use smart herbal remedies listed above
How to support and heal food intolerance & digestive problems
a diet and lifestyle protocol to help remove bothersome foods without feeling overwhelmed or deprived, and healing the gut (I highly recommend this gut healing program)
DigestZen essential oil – a safe and very effective blend that you can get HERE
Conventional treatment: Most people just ride this out until they vomit or poop so much that they need to go to the hospital and get an IV to get re-hydrated. Over-the-counter medication to treat vomiting and diarrhea (which may be counter-productive because this is the body’s only way to rid the poisoning)
as soon as any stomach pain starts, prevent it from progressing by sipping a mixture of equal parts raw apple cider vinegar and water with 1/2 tsp activated charcoal mixed in, or use activated charcoal capsules. Drinking this strange black drink will absorbs and de-activate the invading bacteria, and should help within minutes.
Conventional treatment: Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Nurofen, Panadol, escalating to more serious interventions such as prescription drugs and injections for migraines
food intolerances are a common source of headaches, see the tips above for resolving this
ensure the diet is low in sugar and processed foods
essential oils such as Peppermint, Deep Blue and PastTense are totally awesome for headaches. Be sure to keep minty or wintergreen ones away from the eyes. Here is where I personally buy these high quality medicinal oils.
ensure enough movement and hydration, and don’t use screens too much
if a headache is due to jaw tension, PastTense oil (above) and an amber necklace can help calm the tension
mineral imbalances can cause headaches, try using pink salt instead of regular salt, and adding a magnesium drink/rub/bath
accupressure – squeezing and rubbing the fleshy part between the first finger and thumb quite firmly/aggressively for 5-10 minutes
Conventional treatment: as referenced in the first article in this series, children are frequently prescribed behaviour and mood-altering medications these days. Ritalin, Adderall, Wellbutrin etc.
balance sleep patterns with these excellent tips, trust me you need these!! – helps balance hormones and neurotransmitters for normal behaviour
improve nutrition with less carbs & sugar/more fat & protein – corrects insulin balance for less “hangry” times. Try these paleo-friendly kids snack ideas.
correct neurotransmitter imbalances by supplementing with magnesium/B-vitamins/whey protein
reduce use of electronics especially at night (yellow/orange glasses are recommended)
introduce a little movement in the morning to boost serotonin
Vetiver essential oil, Cedarwood essential oil, InTune essential oil blend ** ensure any oils you use on your family are pure therapeutic grade, not just made for good smell. ** Here’s where I shop. (a 2001 study using brain scans to evaluate essential oil effectiveness for common behavioral challenges in children showed improvements in 100% of subjects with Vetiver and 83% effectiveness with Cedarwood)
Soaking a chamomile tea bag in warm water and placing over an eye for 15 minutes every 2 hours will relieve pink eye in less than 24 hours. (source)
How to Treat a Seizure Naturally
I will work on expanding this section, however anecdotally I have heard that high quality frankincense essential oil is an incredible cure for seizures (source) Comment below if you have knowledge/experience of this?
Natural remedies for Teething / Tooth pain
amber necklace – raw natural amber contains succinic acid, a natural analgesic and healing agent. Amber warms when worm against the body and the succinic acid is absorbed through the skin helping relieve anxiety, pain and other symptoms. I personally wear one 24-7!
clove essential oil is said to work wonders for teething and tooth pain, but some babies might be sensitive. If you don’t feel comfortable using clove, go for German Chamomile instead. Frankincense is also great for tooth pain. These essential oils are pure and safe enough for use on babies and kids.
How to treat an Upset Stomach / Constipation / Diarrhea Naturally
a diet and lifestyle protocol to help remove bothersome foods without feeling overwhelmed or deprived, and healing the gut (I highly recommend this gut healing program)
DigestZen essential oil – a safe and very effective blend that you can get HERE
mineral imbalances can cause digestive issues, try keeping the person hydrated using electrolytes like pink salt instead of regular salt, and adding a magnesium drink/rub/bath
drinking a teaspoon of lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water a few times a day can help stimulate better digestion
How to get rid of Plantar Warts and Skin tags Naturally
Conventional treatment: Salicylic Acid, Compound W, liquid nitrogen – scary chemicals that eat the skin away
oregano oil! Get a good one here. Apply 1-2 drops directly to the spot at least once a day for a month. If the oil is too “hot” on the skin, dilute with coconut oil. You can cover the spot with a cotton ball and/or bandaid to keep the oil on. I’ve had success with this personally on a recent wart! I didn’t even remember to use it every day and it went away in about a month, without having to endure any discomfort or cutting or burning or anything.
What do you have in your natural medicine cabinet?
What are your go-to natural remedies? Do you find they work as well as conventional treatments? Have you or your loved ones been able to stop using medications thanks to natural remedies? Share your experiences below, you could change someone’s life!!