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Thrive Primal health hacks cheat sheets


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Become a Certified Holistic Health Coach: Download your free curriculum guide


Who’s It For? Anyone interested in becoming a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach. You’ll also be included on my list to be notified of potential tuition savings and enrollment offers to the Institute For Integrative Nutrition.

You’ll learn how much you can earn as a Certified Health Coach, how health coaches play a huge role in the future of the health industry, and more about the highly esteemed international faculty you could study with at IIN.

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Free online nutrition class with IIN

You’ll learn:

  • Why not all foods are created equal
  • How sugar affects your brain
  • What’s more important than food

Click here for access to this awesome free class.

Free Holistic Health Events

Visit this page often for news about upcoming free online holistic health events. Click on each banner to check out the event.


Landing in Love After Falling From Grace with Miranda Macpherson – free seminar, June 28, 2017

The Next Level of Using Essential Oils for Healing with David Crow – free seminar, June 28, 2017

The 5 Qigong Steps for a Happy Heart with Mingtong Gu – free seminar, June 20, 2017

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