Your Paleo guide to grocery shopping: milk and dairy

Mention the word “dairy” to your average paleo enthusiast, and they’ll shake their heads and mutter to themselves about potential toxicity issues, food allergies, and the untrustworthiness of these types of products. And they’d be right – this subject area is a very difficult one to navigate, as dairy products are typically shrouded in mystery […]

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Your paleo guide to grocery shopping: meat, fish and poultry

Confused about how to get the most out of your meat shopping, either at your local supermarket, butcher, or down at the weekly farmer’s market? You’ve come to the right place! It might look a little overwhelming as you stand there and eye up the towering mounds of beef, pork, lamb, chicken, fish, and various […]

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All You Need to Know About Cooking Oils

thrive primal guide to paleo cooking oils

I chose the topic for this post because I have a genuine interest in what ACTUALLY constitutes a good cooking oil. There’s a lot of hearsay around the topic, with many people swearing by this or that oil, but no actual idea why it’s better than the rest. Certain people will tell me that they’ve […]

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No wonder diabetes is a nationwide pandemic

A few days ago, I was strolling down the sun-blasted streets of Echo Park, Los Angeles, and I saw something completely and utterly ridiculous. First, an oversized sign heralding the low-low prices of a particular establishment’s coca cola. And immediately following this message, a promise of savings on diabetes “supplies”. Any guesses which particular establishment […]

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Natural Candida albicans treatment: what works and what doesn’t

Candida natural overgrowth treatment

[This is part of an ongoing series which looks at how to naturally, effectively and permanently beat your candida problem using methods which don’t compromise your health in the process. We’ve compiled all this information and more in a 30-day protocol in our comprehensive ebook] Candida albicans. Hearing its exotic-sounding name triggers feelings of either […]

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How to not get overwhelmed with healthy lifestyle changes

Thrive Primal - how to avoid getting overwhelmed with healthy lifestyle changes

When you have chronic pain and digestive discomfort and headaches and anxiety and you’re tired and your hectic week just keeps rollin’ on, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the healthy changes you’re trying to make. You might be spending hours a day researching what to avoid and what to buy and what to eat, and […]

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Wellness career: My experience with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

IIN health coaching

I’m writing this article having just finished my 1-year holistic health coaching certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition a couple of weeks ago. This article is to share my experience with the IIN program and to help you discover a potential path into better personal wellness and maybe even a career in the health field, […]

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